Package artemis

artemis: A Robust Toolkit of Explanation Methods for Interaction Spotting

What is artemis?

artemis is a Python library for explanations of feature interactions in machine learning models. - It provides methods for analyzing predictive models in terms of interactions between features and feature importance. - There are both model-agnostic methods that can work with any properly prepared model, and model-specific methods adapted to tree-based ones (due to their structure, which naturally influences the possibility of interaction). - It enables to scrutinize a wide range of models by examining strength of feature interactions and visualizing them.

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# `artemis`: A Robust Toolkit of Explanation Methods for Interaction Spotting

## What is `artemis`?  
**`artemis` is a Python library for explanations of feature interactions in machine learning models.**
- It provides methods for analyzing predictive models in terms of interactions between features and feature importance. 
- There are both model-agnostic methods that can work with any properly prepared model, and model-specific methods adapted to tree-based ones 
(due to their structure, which naturally influences the possibility of interaction). 
- It enables to scrutinize a wide range of models by examining strength of feature interactions and visualizing them.


